Past Exhibitions

Previous Exhibitions

BRDD exhibitions from 2019 and onward are documented on Behance. Use this documentation as inspiration, but don't limit yourself to forms and mediums from the past shows!

translat[] (2022)

translat[] considered the theme of translation; reproduction, immigration, movement, transformation, permanence, impermanence, liquid/solid, flexibility, standing your ground, nuance, culture, language, loss of specificity/blur, erasure, identity, adoption, revision, and hybridization. While the Behance page has not yet been updated to include documentation of translat[], you can read coverage from the Brown Daily Herald.

Undoing (2021)

In Undoing, artists from the BRDD community considered themes related to the passing of time, both progressive and regressive form of change and transformation, objects of contemplation, and how time and setting reinforce or undo their meaning. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the exhibition was viewable to the public through the windows of the Granoff Center.

Many Years Later... (2020)

In 2020 the BRDD community considered themes related to progression of time, change and growth, traditions, routines, and rituals, closeness and distance, repetition and succession, and connection and disconnection.  In our transition to remote learning a few months after, the exhibition was not moved to be featured online. Many Years Later... was covered in the BDH.

Parallels (2019)

Works included in Paralells considered, but weren’t limited to reflection, mirroring, similarity, lines, non-intersections, 11, and choice. 

X (2018)

As the BRDD program celebrated its 10th year, members of the Dualie community were invited to submit for the 2018 show: X. With this call, we welcomed works of all themes, approaches, and media - we considered this to be a theme with/out a theme. Works for this exhibition considered, but weren’t limited to, ideas of unknowns, crossings/intersections, multiplications, and negations. 

Re: Memory (2017)

This exhibition asked artists to remember, revisit, and reinvestigate. Phantom-limb emotions, vestiges of past places, indexical residue left by action or gesture, and reluctant nostalgia colored the responses to Re: Memory. Each work was a reply to observed lapses in translation and the success or failure of memory. Responses interpreted memory as inclusive of storytelling, proliferation, and heritage. Here, heritage is broadly defined, from the personal to the cultural, the political and the technological. Nonlinear, tangential, and loose connections ran through the exhibition, speaking to the nature of memory itself.

2 x 4 (2016)

2 x 4 focused on themes of multiplicity, calculation, and construction. We were inspired by what is elementary, use of materials, process work, manmade versus natural, and collaboration. 

Of[f] Course (2016)

Of[f] Course focused on themes of expectations, routine, and deviation. We were inspired by what is obvious, second guessing decisions, notions of editing, and taking control to establish a routine versus break a habit. Duh.

Don't Be A Stranger (2015)

FULL (2014)